Positivity in pandemic times.

The entire world is tired. Our once fiery personal and professional resilience feels like it is stuck in an exhausting loop of work-life blur. Small things overwhelm us and big emotions define us. We all feel on edge. Rational thinking feels impossible and making small decisions just about depletes us.

The media are scrambling to reach us in a clickbaited frenzy, and it feels like they have slowly been wearing us down for years.

But we were never designed to live this way.

We forget that we are all still in the middle of living in and surviving an unmitigated disaster that nobody was prepared for. One that just never seems to be over, a disastrous dish that keeps being served to us in relentless, unwanted portions.

So why are we all taking it out on each other and where do we go from here?

Resilience is the New Black

It is time for us to decide to thrive. To adopt a growth mindset, to discover and embrace the new ways we already do things. Celebrating innovation in a life totally re-imagined.
Small things are going to affect us in big, unravelling ways. Our levels of concentration and productivity are going to take us through unrelenting ebbs and flows.

But we need to be kind enough to ourselves and each other because all of it is okay.

Getting off the Emotion Train

Emotions are like trains. When they pull into the station, they bring all the cars – the good, the bad and the ugly. We have the power to choose which of those emotion-trains we get on and which ones get to pass through.

Yes, there is turmoil and still so much noise that the media are still desperate for us to subscribe to, but we have the power to decide what we do now and where we go next.

Choosing a Different Path

We can change our way of thinking and decide what lens we want to see our lives through. Do we choose to fixate on the devastating loss, political chaos, media frenzy or do we choose to look ahead and decide what impact we will have?

We have become so used to just absorbing all kinds of information, especially on social media, diving head first into a pool of frustration and stress.

We take it all on board and carry it with us when we already have no additional space to carry anything else.
Perhaps it is time to have a ruthless review of the information we consume and really understand the different ways it all makes us think and feel.

Then we need to let go of that which no longer serves us.

If we all paused for a moment and reflected on our current surroundings, we would see signs of abundance. Our resilience, our new hybrid working models, our digitised education systems, and our flourishing natural environment.
For so many of us, it took a world where we needed to keep our distance for us to be more connected than ever before.

Taking Charge of our Perspective

Reminder to self – We are the steady hand guiding in our lives. By being vigilantly mindful of what frame of reference we choose to view our circumstances through, we are able to harness the power of positivity, which becomes the energy that invigorates us and that we pass onto others.

Disconnecting from the drama that we have no control over is as easy as switching off the TV and putting down our phones.

When we make peace with the reality that many of our life plans have changed forever, we remind ourselves that we are all resilient, capable and adaptable people who have the power to, at any time, start plotting a brand new course.

Coping isn’t a Competition

If small things seem like a battle, you are not alone! So many of us are experiencing the same overflow of life and there is no manual that came with any of this.

Don’t worry about what you did before and how much you are doing now. Just show up every day, do what you can – the rest will come.

In the words of Tony Horton, “Do your best and forget the rest”.

Seeking Help

If you are struggling, please seek support from your GP or mental health professional. For readers based in Australia, you can call Lifeline Australia anytime for free on 13 11 14. 

For those in New Zealand, you can call Lifeline Aotearoa anytime for free on 0800 543 354.

Purposeful Life offers a range of modalities. Including Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis, Time Line Therapy®, Access Bars® / Energy Healing and Life Coaching and can work together with you and your support team to maintain continuity of support.

Marg will work with you to remove the anxiety. You will learn positive techniques for yourself and for your future. Using concentrated Time Line Therapy® sessions to create shifts in both the conscious and unconscious mind, by releasing the negative emotions that lead to and create anxiety. 

To initiate a personal breakthrough, it typically takes 12 – 16  hours working together, with one 2-hour session per week, up to 8 weeks.

For more information, please see my FAQ page. To make an appointment, please phone on +61 481 877 860 or email hello@purposefullife.com.au.