How Spinal Flow differs from physio, osteo & chiro

How Spinal Flow differs from physio, osteo & chiro

If you’ve ever had a sore back, neck or knee, you may have visited allied health specialists like a chiropractor, physiotherapist or osteopath to help manage the pain or get a treatment plan. So how are these health specialists different to Spinal Flow Technique...
Are alternative therapies the real deal?

Are alternative therapies the real deal?

When people recognise ‌they are struggling with something, their first port of call might be their GP, specialist, counsellor, psychiatrist, or similar. But even though some people prefer to seek their counsel, it might not always be the best place to get help. When...
The overwhelming effects of stress.

The overwhelming effects of stress.

Feeling overwhelmed?With all the uncertainty going on in the world right now, mixed with life’s usual pressures (including relationship problems, work stress, financial pressures, health concerns, kids… the list is endless), it’s no wonder! You are only human,...