A star performer for personal protection against Electromagnetic Radiation when you’re out and about.
The special edition White Christmas Stellar Pendant® creates a harmonizing field of a healthy negative charge up to 8 meters around the body, neutralizing the depleting positive charge energy influences emitted from all sources of Electromagnetic Radiation.
Orgone Effects® is celebrating Christmas with the White Christmas Stellar Pendant® and it is naturally a limited edition!
The pearlescent lustre of the beautiful White Christmas Stellar Pendant® with its subtle glimmer makes the perfect and most thoughtful gift of personal EMF protection for anyone special in your life.
The White Christmas Stellar Pendant® has undergone an infusion process unique to Orgone Effects® which gives the pendant a negative charge frequency. The infusion has a negative charge, and EMF has a positive charge, which is the harmful component of a radiation field. The negative charge balances the positive charge which then neutralises any EMF stress in the body.
Wearing the White Christmas Stellar Pendant® may have a supportive and strengthening effect on our energy bodies, meridian system and vital organs which are weakened by the various harmful EMF fields we are exposed to daily when we’re out and about.
GDV Kirlian Photography: The above image shows the Aura with no personal protection. The right image shows the Aura after wearing the Stellar Pendant®.
Download the PDF file: The Effect of the Pendant on the Human Body here.
Created for continued daily EMF protection while you’re out and about and away from the protection of the Geoclense® at home or work. People who are very sensitive to EMF and suffer from Electro-hypersensitivity may find the Stellar Pendant Violet Flame® particularly helpful.
The Stellar Pendant® White Christmas neutralizes the effects of over 30 different harmful, noxious energies (view list here).
A stellar example of the Art of Harmonizing EMF fields.